Monday, November 2, 2009



BOOTS. Boots was her trademark. Boots was the name she chose for herself. Boots were her good-luck charm...and her evil omen.
BOOTS. It was not her real name, of course. She had lots of names: Janie Callaghan, Boots Calhoon, Mrs. Paul Warwick...and others. None of them fitted exactly...but each labeled one facet of her complicated personality.
BOOTS. A bitch on wheels...headed for fame and riches as a top nightclub and TV personality...or headed for Hell in a handbasket of her making.

This is the story of BOOTS - and the many men and women she used...and ruined...along her perilous path to the top - or the bottom. There was nothing she wouldn't do. Murder was the least of her sins. The only question was: which sin would finally catch up with her?

From A Girl Called Boots by Don Sted, 1968

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